The photo walk is a journey of self-discovery, during which we explore how you see the world and what your images reveal to you.

Each photo walk is different, just like we exist in the world with different perspectives, approaches, thoughts and experiences. No two fingerprints or pairs of eyes are the same, and each person’s eye colour and pattern are unique. Our snapshots are likewise different. Five different people will take five different pictures of the same place, and these five people will have five different opinions, feelings and thoughts about a particular picture. During the walk, conversation and the ideas that inspire the shots are as important as the creation of the images itself. The aim is first and foremost not just to capture what we see but to be present in the photos. Because what and how we photograph says much more about us than what we may first think. We are always present in our pictures as fingerprints, provided that they are more than just hastily snapped documentation of some landscape or subject.

We choose locations that are interesting but not necessarily impressive to look at because we want to get a taste of what it is like to think, to tune into something and to figure out what we would like when we take a photograph. It is not the place or the moment that make a picture; rather, it is we who present a given situation how we see it, how we feel about it. This will make it unique or special.

Our photo walk is therefore characterised by duality. On the one hand, we want to capture what you see; on the other hand, your composition, both verbally and visually, will be reflective of you. The photos will tell a story to you about you. A kind of feedback on, affirmation of, or possibly marvelling about what part of your personality is shown in the pictures or what situation or idea is occupying your thoughts at that given moment and how it is revealed and drawn out by the pictures.